Printer Friendly Index

Background - Section B

Adobe Files

The Water Cycle (B02)
Wildlife Tracks & Signs (B06a)
Mini-beast Identification Sheets (B06b1)
Mini-beast Identification Sheets (B06b2)
Mini-beast Identification Sheets (B06b3)
Mini-beast Identification Sheets (B06b4)
Food Web & Food Chains (B06d)

Word Documents

Introduction (B01)
The Water Cycle (B02)
The River System (B03)
10 Cornish Rivers (B04)
Introduction to WRT and Cornwall Rivers Project (B05)
Angling 2000 (B05a)
Biodiversity (B06)
Wildlife Tracks & Signs (B06a)
Mini-beast Biodiversity Survey Sheet (B06c)
Food Web & Food Chains (B06d)
Links to useful websites (B08)
River Wildlife (B09)
Invertebrates (B09a)
Birds (B09b)
Mammals (B09c)
Fish (B09d)
Mini-Beast Sampling (B10a)
Water Cycle Exercise (B10b)
Water Facts & Figures Exercise (B10c)
Mini-beast Identification Exercise (B10d)

Water Efficiency - Section E

Adobe Files

Water Efficiency Summary (E06a)
Water Detectives Exercise (E08b2)

Word Documents

Introduction (E01)
The Water Challenge (E02)
Agriculture, Rivers & Water Efficiency (E03)
Farm Water Challenge sheet (E03a)
Homes, Rivers & Water Efficiency (E04)
Homes Water Challenge Sheet (E04a)
Schools Water Challenge Sheet (E04b)
Industry, Rivers & Water Efficiency (E05)
Factory Challenge Sheet (E05a)
Office Challenge Sheet (E05b)
Death of a river (E06)
Water and the Future (E07)
Water Diary (E08a)
Water Detectives Exercise (E08b)
Using Rainwater (E08c)
Water Data (E08c2)
Home Water Audit Intro (E08d)
Home Water Audit (E08d2)
Water Saving Reminders Pt 1 (E08ePt1)
Water Saving Reminders P2 (E08ePt2)

Fisheries - Section F

Adobe Files

Creating a Wildlife Pond (F07)
Fishy Bits - Exercise (F09)

Word Documents

Introduction (F01)
Salmonid Life Cycle (F02)
Types of Freshwater Fish (F03)
Angling (F04)
Ponds & Lakes (F05)
Pond Design (F06)
Creating a Wildlife Pond (F07)
Fish Life Cycle - Exercise (F08)

Rivers and Land Management - Section L

Adobe Files

Homes, Rivers & Land Management (L03)
Silt trapping (L06a)
Revetments (L06b)
Coppicing (L06c)
Riverbank erosion (L06d)
Overshading (L06e)
Buffer zones (L06f)
Stock drinking – Restricted access (L06g)
Stock drinking – Pasture pumps (L06g1)
Water treatment areas (L06h)
Wetlands (L06j)
Illegal Aliens (L06k)
Landscape Assessment (L12a)

Word Documents

Introduction (L01)
Industries & Land Management (L02)
Homes, Rivers & Land Management (L03)
Agriculture, Rivers & Land Management (L04)
River & Land Management Methods (L06)
Woody debris (L06i)
Wetlands (L06j)
Schools, Rivers and Land Management (L07)
Fowey River Journey (L10)
Map of Fowey Catchment (L10a)
Fact Section (L11)
Landscape Assessment Pt 1(L12a)
Landscape Assessment Pt 2(L12b)
Mapping the Landscape(L12c)

Rivers and Waste - Section W

Adobe Files

Pollution pathways on the farm - diagram (W08b)

Word Documents

Introduction (W01)
Rivers & Waste Issues (W02)
Case study – Quarrying (W02a)
Case Study – Farming (W02b)
Case Study – Industry (W02c)
Industries, rivers & waste (W03)
Schools, rivers & waste (W04)
Homes, rivers & waste (W05)
Agriculture, rivers & waste (W06)
Pesticides (W07a)
Fertilisers (W07b)
Spent sheep dip (W07c)
Livestock manures (W07d)
Dirty water (W07e)
Silage effluent (W07f)
Organic waste (W07g)
Clean water (W07h)
Water-use & pollution pathways on the farm (W08)
Exercise – Pollution – oil spills (W09)
Fact Section – Water quality (W10)
Keywords (W11)

General Information - Section G

Word Documents

Glossary (G1)
General Quiz (G2)
Acknowledgements (G3)

Teaching Notes - Section T

Word Documents

Introduction (T01)
Reducing Risks on Field Trips (T02)
Safety First (T03)
Surveys & Sampling Field Trips (T04)
Water Saving Calculations (T05)
List of Exercises in the CD (T06)